CAP (Condition Assessment Programme)

Condition Assessment Program (CAP)

Among other services Croatian Register of Shipping offers Condition Assessment Programme (CAP), an independent and comprehensive expertise of the actual ship's condition in order to meet demands from the Ship Owner, Ship Operator, Charterer or any other interested party.

CRS Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) gives reliable information about ship's condition and is mainly used for evaluation of the condition of Oil Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Bulk Carriers, but it can be applied to other types of ships.

Client can choose among the following assessments:

  •  Hull (CAP-HULL)
  •  Machinery and Cargo Systems (CAP-MCS)
  •  Fatigue Strength Analysis

CAP-HULL procedure for ships in service includes Finite Element Method (FEM) structural analysis based on the results of hull inspection and thickness measurements.

CAP-MCS includes on board inspection and measurements of ship propulsion systems, other machinery systems and equipment and cargo systems. 

At completion of the assessment, CAP Certificate will be provided, including rating assessed to the vessel and CAP Survey Report for the chosen module.

CAP principles and procedure are explained in the Guidelines for the Condition Assessment Programme (CAP).