{ Company FASSI GRU S.p.A. Short Name:FASSI GRU S.p.A. Street:Via Roma 110 City:Albino (BG) ZIP:24021 Country:ITALIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date MARINE CRANES type F26÷F305; F100 AT÷F190 AT 02-004080/025869 2027-05-27
{ Company FASSI GRU S.p.A. Short Name:FASSI GRU S.p.A. Street:Via Roma 110 City:Albino (BG) ZIP:24021 Country:ITALIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date MARINE CRANES type F26÷F305; F100 AT÷F190 AT 02-004080/025869 2027-05-27