HR department

The Personnel Training Department provides organization, coordination and implementation of the training for engineers and technical staff thus maintaining and improving their qualifications in accordance with the policy and strategy for providing services in the main areas of activity.

CRS strategy for the human resources is aimed at carrying out the following tasks:

  • Staff recruitment, human resource planning and drawing graduates and industry experts;
  • Development of competencies at the level of international standards: development of competency models, assessment of competencies and work results, integrated training and gradual staff development;
  • Teaming up and personnel management: identification of employees with high development potential, targeted training for candidate replacements based on individual plans for development, planned activities and geographical needs;
  •  Organizational culture and orientation towards CRS ethical principles and values​​;

Opened jobs

INSPEKTOR-ica PRIPRAVNIK-ca PU / MLAĐI INSPEKTOR-ica PU u Područnom uredu Zadar (1 izvršitelj-ica)

Published: 12. 8. 2024.
Valid until: 26. 8. 3024.

MLAĐI INSPEKTOR-ica / INSPEKTOR-ica PU u Područnom uredu Rijeka (2 izvršitelja-ice)

Published: 12. 8. 2024.
Valid until: 26. 8. 3024.